Leavenheath / Averages
Player | P | I | NO | R | HS | Ave | 100 | 50 | M | B | 4s | 6s |
There are no batting averages to show.Player | O | M | R | W | Ave | BB | 5W | Econ | SR |
There are no bowling averages to show.Player | Ct | St | Total |
There is no fielding information to show.Notes
Unfortunately a lot of the data — almost every year before 1986 in fact — is either missing or unverified. If you are a present or former player, club member or a relative of one and have past scorebooks or any other related items that you would like to give back to the club, please let the webmistress know.
The presence of ‡ next to a name or year indicates that the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. This is because some or all of may be taken from documents distributed at the end of the season rather than scorebooks.
Detailed innings information, i.e. minutes, balls and boundaries, is not always available — especially before 2000 — so the figures presented may be incomplete.