Mount Tour 2019
This is an update for the 2019 tour which starts on Sunday 21st July and we depart on Thursday 25th July after breakfast.
We had a committee meeting recently at which it was decided to have a four day tour in 2019 which was endorsed at the AGM last Sunday. It was also decided that it would be easier if tourists booked their own accommodation and the general feeling of the AGM was that we should stick to the ‘Windmill, which is £80.00 for a single room and 150.00 for a twin. There are B and B’s locally and I can help quote you on these. Please let me know where and when you have booked.
The fixtures are:
Sunday 21st v Dunster 1.30pm (followed by barbecue at Derek’s house as last year)
Monday 22nd v Bagborough 1.30pm
Tuesday 23rd v Timberscoombe
Wednesday 24th v Kilve 1.00pm (with an all day running barbecue provided)
We seek a few more players from Westcliff CC as usual. Ladies and friends are all welcome. Please contact me on any tour matter